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Weekly Sheetty ScoopšŸ¦ #2

Ā· 4 min read
Greg Glazewski

This week started off with permission management. Many tricky questions arose during the implementation and we tried to answer them as simply as possible. Besides this, a row of QoL improvements, like fuzzy search or smoother quick actions navigation, were implemented. All right, letā€™s crack this ice cream box open.

Weekly Sheetty Scoop #2


John has been working on the ā€œImportanteā€ project for decades. But now itā€™s finished and Tim, the manager, doesnā€™t want John to log time for ā€œImportanteā€ anymore.

What happens now?

Three time entries visible
John can see entries from Importante project.

Tim, most likely, will remove the access to the ā€œImportanteā€ project from Johnā€™s team.

Permissions management for a team
Tim can control what projects and clients are visible for each team.

Logically, no member of this team, including John, should see the ā€œImportanteā€ project, nor time entries logged for it.

Only two time entries visible
John now cannot see time entries for Importante project.
Is this correct? From Johnā€™s perspective, all of his work is gone. Logged time wonā€™t appear in his time tracking reports.

Tim, his manager, will see it, sure. But John loses this data and the information gap between John and Tim grows and John cannot really reason about what he worked on.

Things get hairy if John is a freelancer and needs to export timesheets or simply wants to monitor his work.

As we see, itā€™s not the greatest solution but a great first step, nevertheless. Weā€™re going to implement it like this, because itā€™s good enough. And it allows us to build on it and expand the permission system to become more sophisticated in the future.

How to do it?ā€‹

Our current data model doesnā€™t necessarily make the task easy, though.

We want to do the following:

  • check if any of the teams
  • to which the user belongs
  • has access to the project
  • or client

And our database schema looks like this:

A visual representation of our database schema

The graph below shows where data weā€™re interested in (projects) resides:

Nested circles showing how the data is nested

And itā€™s fairly easy to do with SQL. First, define which teams we are looking for (which client and which member). Then collect projects from those teams and clients.

with teams as (select id, name, clients from team where 'dd08d05c-fd2a-4f32-92f7-b3df994b286f' = ANY (team.members)),
clients as (select,
from client
join teams on = any (teams.clients)),
clients_projects as (select array_agg( as list from clients join project ON project.client_id =,
projects as (select array_agg( as list from project join teams on = any (teams.clients))

A little inconvenience we are facing here is the fact that the teams.clients column contains UUID of both projects and clients. Itā€™s most certainly not the best approach, but it works for now and thatā€™s all right.

Later you can filter your results:

AND (te.project_id = any(select unnest(list) from clients_projects)
te.project_id = any(select unnest(list) from projects)
te.project_id is null


Fuzzy search in task descriptions! The autocomplete logic was very simple:

const options = computed(() => => {
if (!description.value) return false
if (!ac.toLowerCase().startsWith(description.value.toLowerCase())) return false;
return {
label: ac,
value: ac,
}).filter(i => i));

Very sophisticated šŸ˜Š

But we switched over to fuse.js and now itā€™s much more interesting.

Autocomplete uses fuzzy search to match query
Fuzzy search allows for more creative queries
Here's how we implemented autocomplete using fuse.js:
const options = computed(() => {
if (!desc.value) return [];
const fuse = new Fuse(autocomplete.value, {
includeScore: true,
minMatchCharLength: 3,
useExtendedSearch: true,

return => {
return {
label: f.item,
value: f.item,

Besides, we increased contrast in all of the select inputs to improve readability and improved flow while using quick actions. Previously it would require us to tap ESC to close it, now itā€™ll close automatically after an action is executed

Whatā€™s Next?ā€‹

You can expect some more QoL improvements. We actively use the tool and plan some smaller tasks each week. Teams are our main focus now, but itā€™s a really big feature so we want to roll out some smaller updates too.

Some new screens of Teams and more details about implementation coming up, too.

Thank you for reading!

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